
If you have any questions about the corporate safety or

Editing Sample Memo

DATE: January 7, 2018

TO: All Employees of Denver Branch

FROM: Leonard Schwartz, Branch Manager

SUBJECT: New Loss-Prevention System

The company received news from the headquarter that the entire company should prevent accidents happen the workplace every employee needs to be aware of this, so they can be mindful in their daily work performance and make sure safety is main concern.

I believe the concentrate on safety could be considered the training that each employee receives in the first weeks on the job as well as every year . This kind of training should give the company the ability to instruct each employee, about the main understanding of safety that relate to the needs and requirements of their job.

Therefore, I conclude that we need to evaluate the trainingway we can prevent accidents and emphasize the concern of safety at every stage of our operation. I have asked the training coordinator, Kendra Jones, to form a written training program that will involve every employee and that can be implemented no later than June of this year. I will conduct a meeting with every department in order to emphasize the components of the safety program once the plan has been written and approved.

It is my pleasure to announce that effective in February, I will give a monthly safety award of $100 to employee who comes up with the best suggestion related to safety in any part of the branch activities.

Today I will place a suggestion box on the wall of the lunchroom so that everyone will have easy access. I have provided a copy of the form that you are to use in making any suggestions as an attachment. On the last business day of each month, the box will be emptied, and before the end of the following week a winner will be selected, and an announcement will be placed on the bulletin board in the company workroom.

If you have any questions about the corporate safety or about the suggestion program, please make your comments known either by memo or by phone.

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Dissertation: If you have any questions about the corporate safety or
Reference No:- TGS02632780

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