
If you had to guess why would jesus not want his disciples

Jesus's Followers


1. Read 9:1-14:14. As you read, construct the following two bullet-point lists. You do not need to use complete sentences for these two lists

a) Identify 3-5 elements that you find especially striking, surprising, puzzling, or offensive in this passage. You may also include any questions this material raises for you.

b) Identify where in this material you see references to Jesus's future return (a.k.a., his ‘Second Coming'), judgment day, and/or resurrection

2. Reread 9:1-6

a) Broadly speaking, what is the mission of Jesus's disciples like?

b) If you had to guess, why would Jesus not want his disciples to take anything with them on their travels?

3. Reread 9:21-27 carefully. Based on this passage, what do you think it means to "take up [one's] cross daily" (9:23)?

4. Reread 10:25-37

a) Does Jesus address the original question he is asked? Justify your answer using the passage. If he does answer the question, explain his basic answer. If he does not, describe what he does instead.

b) If you had to guess, why do you think Jesus chose to use a Samaritan in the parable instead of, say, a Sadducee or Pharisee? It may be helpful to look back at the description of Samaritans in Powell, chapter 1.

5. Reread 13:22-30

a) Based on this passage, does Jesus answer the question, "will only a few be saved" (13:23) with a 'yes' or 'no'? Or, does Jesus not answer the question? Explain your answer

b) Considering the verses that precede it, what do you think Jesus means by, "some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last" (13:30)? Make sure you read the passage carefully.

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Dissertation: If you had to guess why would jesus not want his disciples
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