If you calculate the person-hours devoted to ibms team

If you calculate the person-hours devoted to IBM's team projects, they amount to more than 180,000 hours of management time each year. Do you think this is a wise investment of IBM's human resources? Why or why not?

Why do you think IBM's culture changed from formal, stable, and individualistic to informal, impermanent, and team oriented?

Describe the stages of group development these teams should expect to experience. At each stage, make recommendations that will help move the team into the next stage.

Multicultural project teams often face problems with communication, expectations, and values. How do you think some of these challenges can be overcome?

Explain some of the group decision-making challenges the team may experience and recommend ways to overcome them.

Discuss at least three recommendations to help make these teams effective.

Identify three factors that will help make individuals into team players.

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Operation Management: If you calculate the person-hours devoted to ibms team
Reference No:- TGS01030908

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