Consider the three-input CMOS NAND circuit in Figure. Assume = 2 and VTN = |VTP| = 0.8 V. (a) If vA = vB= 5 V, determine vC such that both N3 and P3 are biased in the saturation region when (W/L)p = 2(W/L)n . (State any assumptions you make.)
(b) If vA = vB = vC = vI, determine the relationship between (W/L)p and (W/L)n such that vI = 2.5 V when all transistors are biased in the saturation region.
(c) Using the results of part (b) and assuming vA = vB = 5 V, determine vC such that both N3 and P3 are biased in the saturation region. (State any assumptions you make.)