
If there was no sex bias among the board members it might

The eight-member Human Relations Advisory Board of Gainesville, Florida, considered the complaint of a woman who claimed discrimination, based on sex, on the part of a local 2.7 Conditional Probability and the Independence of Events company. The board, composed of five women and three men, voted 5-3 in favor of the plaintiff, the five women voting in favor of the plaintiff, the three men against. The attorney representing the company appealed the board's decision by claiming sex bias on the part of the board members. If there was no sex bias among the board members, it might be reasonable to conjecture that any group of five board members would be as likely to vote for the complainant as any other group of five. If this were the case, what is the probability that the vote would split along sex lines (five women for, three men against)?

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Basic Statistics: If there was no sex bias among the board members it might
Reference No:- TGS01374130

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