Consider the sense amplifier in Fig. 16.24 in the equilibrium condition shown in part (b) of the figure. Let
VDD = 1.2 V and Vt = 0.4 V.
(a) If Q1 and Q2 are to operate at the edge of saturation, what is the dc voltage at the drain of Q1?
(b) If the switching voltage ?V is to be about 140 mV, at what overdrive voltage VOV should Q1 and Q2 be operated in equilibrium? What dc voltage should appear at the common-source terminals of Q1 and Q2?
(c) If the delay component ?t given by Eq. (16.18) is to be 0.5 ns, what current I is needed if C = 55 fF?
(d) Find the W/L required for each of Q1 to Q4 for μnCox = 4μpCox = 500 μA/V2.
(e) If Q5 is to operate at the same overdrive voltage as Q1 and Q2, find its required W/L and the value of the reference voltage VR,

Δt = CVDD/I .....16.18