
If the maximum flow rate required is 20000 kgh calculate


1 Determine the material derivative of the flux of any vector property Q*i through the spatial area S. Specifically, show that

d/dt ∫S Q*inidS =  ∫S (Q.*i + Qi*Vk,k - Q*Vi,k) nidS

2. Let the property P*ij..... be the scalar 1 so that the integral in that equation represents the instantaneous volume V. Show that in this case

P.ij.. = d/dt ∫v dV = ∫v vi,jdV

3 Verify the identity

εijk = 2 (w.i + wivj,j - wj vi,j

and, by using this identity as well as the result of Problem 1, prove that the material derivative of the vorticity flux equals one half the flux of the curl of the acceleration; that is, show that

d/dt ∫s winidS = 1/2 ∫s εijk, αk,jnidS

4 Making use of the divergence theorem of Gauss together with the identity

∂wi/ ∂t = 1/2 εijkαk,j - εijk εkmq (wmvq),j

5 Show that the material derivative of the vorticity of the material contained in a volume V is given by

d/dt ∫v widV = ∫s(1/2 εijkαk + wjvi)njdS

6 Given the velocity field

v1 = ax1 - bx2, v2 = bx1 + ax2, v3 = c√(x21 + x22)

7 For a certain contiuum at rest, the stress is given by

σij = - poδij

where po is a constant. Use the continuity equation to show that for this case the stress power may be expressed as

σijDij =  p0ρ.

8 Consider the motion xi = (1 + t/k)Xi where k is a constant. From the conservation of mass and the initial condition ρ = ρo at t = 0, determine ρ as a function of ρo, t, and k.

9. Using the identity

εijkαk,j = 2(w.i + wivj,j - wjvi,j)

as well as the continuity equation, show that

d/dt (wi/ρ) = (εijkαk,j + 2 wjvi,j )/ 2ρ

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Civil Engineering: If the maximum flow rate required is 20000 kgh calculate
Reference No:- TGS01237822

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Anonymous user

2/5/2016 5:58:04 AM

As the given problems are related to numerical questions, it is very vital that your work is strongly underpinned via solid research and proper step by step calculations all along with respective formulas. 1) Find the material derivative of flux of any vector property Q*i via spatial area S. Describe that d/dt ?S Q*inidS = ?S (Q.*i + Qi*Vk,k - Q*Vi,k) nidS 2) Suppose the property P*ij..... be scalar 1 so that the integral in that equation symbolizes the instantaneous volume V. Verify: P.ij.. = d/dt ?v dV = ?v vi,jdV 3) Prove the identity: eijk = 2 (w.i + wivj,j - wj vi,j And, by using this identity and the result of question 1, prove that the material derivative of vorticity flux equals one half the flux of the curl of the acceleration; that is, d/dt ?s winidS = 1/2 ?s eijk, ak,jnidS I need detail step by step solution.