Three monitoring wells, each located at the vertex of an equilateral triangle, are located 300 m apart. The hydraulic head at each well, referenced to some common datum, is Well 1, 100 m; Well 2, 100.3 m; well 3, 100.3 m. The aquifer has a hydraulic conductivity of 1000 m/d and a porosity of 0.23.
a.Sketch the well field and find the direction and magnitude of the hydraulic gradient.
b. What is the Darcy velocity (m/d)?
c. What is the average seepage velocity of the groundwater?
d. If the front edge of a contaminant plume is perfectly straight, how long would it take to travel to Well 1 after first arriving (simultaneously) at Wells 2 and 3, assuming that the contaminant plume travels only half as fast as the groundwater flow?