1. If the enteric nervous system can orchestrate motility and secretion on its own, why are parasympathetic connection (espciallythrough the vagus nerve) important?
2. Explain what role that the enteric nervous system, vagusnerve, gastrin, CCK and secretin paly in regulating:
a. the release of HCL
b. the release of bicarbonate
c. the control of stomach emptying
d. The release of bile
e. the release of pancreatic enzymes
3. The endocrine cells (S-cells) that relase secretin intocirculation are not clumped together to form an endocrine gland,but instead are spread out-a cell here and there- along the firstpart of the part of the small intestine. Provide an explaination aswhy this spread out arrangment is functionally superior to all theS-cells being clump together at one point along the smallintestine?