1. If John as has an overwhelming fear reaction whenever he thinks of flying on an airplane, and this fear is so strong he refuses to accept a free trip to Hawaii because he would have to fly there, John probably has
A. Generalized anxiety disorder
B. Specific phobia
C. Panic disorder
D. Agoraphobia
2. Please group each of the symptoms of depression into categories of either PHYSICAL or MOOD/COGNITIVE symptoms.
3. Which of the following symptoms is not a "positive" symptom of schizophrenia
A. Hallucinations
B. Delusions
C. Disorganized thinking and speech
D. Loss of motivation
4. If you work in a prison, which personality disorder are you likely to encounter most frequently?
A. Borderline
B. Histrionic
C. Schizotypical
D. Antisocial
1 Which type of treatment provider typically provides medications to treat psychological disorders?
A Psychologist
B Psychiatrist
C Social Worker
D Pastoral Counselor
2 Pick the image that best represents Carl Rogers' concept of unconditional positive regard.



3 Jill has schizophrenia. Which type of drug is she most likely to be prescribed to help manage her mental illness?
A Antipsychotic
B Antidepressant
C Antianxiety
D Antibipolar