Part A : What is the time complexity of the best case to insert a new node into a minimum-level BST with n nodes? Explain. (Hint: You may draw a diagram as part of your solution.)
Part B : The best case to find the smallest value in an unsorted array is O(1) - when there is only one element in the array. True or false? Explain.
Part C : If both have n nodes and are sorted smallest to largest, will it be faster to find the smallest value in a sorted linked list or a minimum-level BST? Explain.
Part D : Two O(n2 ) algorithms will always take the same amount of time for a given value of n. True or false? Explain.
Part E : You have a (large) unsorted set of n records that you wish to store in a BST. The BST will be built by adding one record at a time. Will it be faster to build the BST if the records are first sorted so that they can be added to the BST in sorted order? Yes or no? Explain.