Reactor Engineering
Q1: If atomic ratio of 2H (Deuterium) in H isotopes in regular water is 0.15%, how many atoms of Deuterium are present in regular water?
Q2: What is the rest-mass energy of regular water (H2O)?
Q3: A junior engineer wants to obtain spatial and time dependent neutron flux for a specific problem described in this question. However, he just knows how to solve differential equations and he does not know anything about nuclear engineering. He asks you write differential equations so that he can solve the differential equations by using boundary and initial conditions.
Please write 1-Dimensional (1-D), 1-Energy Group diffusion equation(s), boundary condition(s) (BC), initial condition(s) (IC) for the following problem clearly so that junior engineer can do the rest. Again, you don't need to solve the differential equations but be clear with defining the necessary equations, BC and IC for the engineer so that he can do the rest and write his calculation reports without missing information!!!

Note: If you use assumptions, please write them clearly.
• The curves of diffusion coefficient and source term are given below.
• Neutron Source Term S = S1 * S2 in neutron/sec.
1D, 1Energy group Diffusion Equation(s):
Boundary Condition(s):
Initial Condition(s):
Q4: Describe Generation I, II, III, III+ and IV nuclear power plant categories?
Q5: Natural gas price is decreasing day by day. Surprisingly, natural gas price started to compete with the price of nuclear power. United State Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US-NRC) would like to decrease the constructional and operating cost of nuclear power plants to compete with natural gas. Therefore, US-NRC wants to define some research proposals for the universities to achieve this goal. Can you give three solution alternatives about the design of advanced reactors to decrease the cost so that these solutions can be used by the US-NRC for the research proposals?
Q6: A neutron makes an elastic scattering with 12C isotope. Write the energy and momentum equations.

Velocity of incident 12C is Vc
Velocity of incident n is Vn
Velocity of scattered 12C is Vc'
Velocity of scattered n is Vn'
Mass of 12C is mc
Mass of n is mn
Angle between incident n and incident 12C is β.
Angle between scattered n and x_axis is ?
Angle between scattered 12C and x_axis is ¥
Assume that neutron travels on the x-axis before the collision.
Energy Equation(s) in terms "parameters" given above:
Momentum Equation(s) in terms "parameters" given above:
Q7: Activity of the radioactive nuclides are given below. λ is decay rate of isotope given below. The formula of the decay rate is given as,
For example, decay rate for isotope-A is given as,
λ = (number of decayed isotopes Σi=1 λi)
For example, decay rate for isotope-A is given as,
λ = λA1 + λA2 + λA3
Isotopes Y, N, M, S, W and X are the stable isotopes. What is the equation of number of atoms of Isotope-K and Isotope-F?
You don't need to solve the differential equations. You can just the necessary equations related with the equation of number of atoms of Isotope-K and Isotope-F?
Note: Please use your assumptions if you feel they are necessary.

Differential equation(s) for number of atoms of Isotope-K:
Differential equation(s) for number of atoms of Isotope-F:
Q8: What is defense in depth?
Q9: Given the equation of the following radiation types by using the alpha decay as an example ( )?
• Beta decay:
• Positron emission:
• Electron capture:
• Gamma emission:
• Spontaneous fission:
Q10: Describe the following fission energy spectrum? What type of parameters does the fission energy spectrum depend on?

Q11: Sort alpha, beta and gamma particles based on relative stopping power from smallest value to biggest value?
Q12: Calculate the decay power 1 day after the reactor whose power is 1000MWth is closed. The power plant was operated 2 years with 1000MWth (operating power).
Q13: Write the 1 group diffusion equations and boundary conditions for region 1 and 2 described below.