
If a statement is redundant or plays no role in the

The following arguments gradually increase in difficulty. Use the method presented in this section to construct argument patterns. If a statement is redundant or plays no role in the argument, do not include it in the pattern.

1 It has been widely acknowledged that the quality of undergraduate education in this country is diminishing. 2 An often unrecognized cause of this malady is the exploitative way that universities as employers treat their part-time and temporary faculty members. 3 In many universities there are no formal guidelines for evaluating the work of these instructors. As a result, 4 poor instructors who solicit the favor of the department chairman are often retained over better ones who do not. 5 Another factor is the low pay given to these instructors. 6 In order to survive, many of them must accept heavy teaching loads spread out over three or four institutions. 7 The quality of instruction can only suffer when faculty members stretch themselves so thin. Lastly, because 8 part-time and temporary faculty are rarely members of the faculty senate, 9 they have no voice in university governance. But 10 without a voice, the shoddy conditions under which they work are never brought to light.

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Mathematics: If a statement is redundant or plays no role in the
Reference No:- TGS02192050

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