
If a statement is redundant or plays no role in the

The following arguments gradually increase in difficulty. Use the method presented in this section to construct argument patterns. If a statement is redundant or plays no role in the argument, do not include it in the pattern.

1 Cigarette consumption could be easily reduced by simply outlawing tailor-made cigarettes. 2 The manufacture of tailor-made cigarettes to American standards is a high-tech industry. 3 It cannot be done in small illicit labs like the processing of PCP, cocaine or heroin. 4 The availability of quality tobacco for hand-rolling would discourage the development of an illegal tailor-made market. 5 Most people would not pay the premium prices demanded by an illicit market for a product of unknown quality. 6 They could roll a high-quality product for themselves. 7 Truly addicted persons would continue to smoke no matter how inconvenient. But 8 most would give it up as too much bother before it became a deeply ingrained habit.

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Mathematics: If a statement is redundant or plays no role in the
Reference No:- TGS02192039

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