
If a plane leaves from san francisco traveling to scotland

Please write one of the following two:

As we've learned, the commerce clause is the font of most federal power and is used to justify everything from the minimum wage to the Endangered Species Act. The commerce clause reaches three main areas: instrumentalities of interstate commerce, items in interstate commerce, and things that effect interstate commerce. Over the last 20 years the Supreme Court has steadily chipped away at the effects doctrine to the point that it may not even exist anymore (though the court has been careful to say that it does exist, somewhere -- in the very little blank space left between the court's decisions that say it doesn't apply in various instances). Please write a well-written paper of at least 1,000 words, in good academic form that analyzes the pros and cons of the effects doctrine and evaluate why you think the court is steadily narrowing the doctrine. Remember, that your submission must comply witht the 75% rule and cannot include more than 25% unoriginal content as determined by SafeAssign.

If a plane leaves from San Francisco traveling to Scotland, but crashes over Pennsylvania where is jurisdiction proper to hear cases relating to the plane crash? Which jury is the appropriate jury to hear the related cases? Not, this is not an opinion question. There is a correct answer and you should be able to support your arguments with content we covered in class.

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Business Law and Ethics: If a plane leaves from san francisco traveling to scotland
Reference No:- TGS01623256

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