If a counselor is aware of the cultural background of a

1. A general cognitive ability of an individual to rely more on external visual cues and to be primarily socially oriented is called:
A. Field dependent style
B. Creativity
C. Intelligence or intelligent behavior
D. Field independent style

2. Which of the following most accurately explains the relationship between intelligence and intelligent behavior?
A. Intelligence is always practical, while intelligent behavior is not.
B. Intelligence is measured by tests; intelligent behavior is impossible to measure.
C. Intelligent behavior is a term used to describe success on intelligence tests.
D. Intelligent behavior is based on the practical use of intelligence in specific situations.

3. Which of the following groups have the greatest chance of having similar IQ scores: identical twins raised apart or two biologically unrelated individuals raised together?
Two biologically unrelated individuals raised together
Two identical twins raised apart
Both groups will have equal chance to have similar scores
The probability is impossible to predict

4. While Brazilian and Columbian street children who earn their money as vendors were able to conduct financial operations in their minds, when asked to perform similar tasks with a paper and pencil, they:
A. Performed worse when using paper and pencil
B. Performed equally
C. Performed even better with fewer mistakes
D. Refused to participate

5. "No matter how hard I try, I will be held back." This belief is a reflection of the:
A. High-effort syndrome
B. Classification and sorting
C. Formal reasoning
D. Low-effort syndrome

6. Our culture-based expectations that guide our interpretation of sensory data are referred to as:
A. Cultural patterns
B. Cross-cultural sensitivity
C. Aesthetic experience
D. Perceptual set

7. What factors are likely to influence the way a person perceives time?
A. Age
B. Wealth
C. Culture
D. All of the above

8. If a counselor is aware of the cultural background of a client, the process of interpreting the client's dreams will be fairly straightforward.

9. Melody is very relaxed, experiencing expanded awareness and tranquility without the aid of drugs. The state she is in can be best described as:
A. Meditation
B. Trance
C. Possession
D. None of the above. It can only be concluded that she is taking drugs.

10. The perceptual phenomenon that seems to be least affected by cultural differences is:
A. Time
B. Beauty
C. Dreams
D. Color

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: If a counselor is aware of the cultural background of a
Reference No:- TGS01165023

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