1) What is the difference between the Cc: field and the Bcc: fields?
2) What is the difference between a group reply and a single author reply.
3) When you include the original message in an e-mail reply, should you always include the original message in its entirety? Explain your answer.
4) What is an HTML-enabled mail client?
5) Is an HTTP mail account more like a POP mail account or an IMAP mail account? Think about where the mail messages are stored, and then explain your answer.
6) What is a WEB 2.0 application? What are the characteristic features of a Web 2.0 application?
7) What is a blog?
8) What is the characteristic feature of a wiki? What key ingredient is necessary for a successful wiki?
9) What three things should you check if you are having trouble posting an article to a Web-based forum?
10) If a chat room's AUP prohibits foul language and cybersex, does that mean a monitor will be present to police the chat room? What can happen to you if you violate the AUP?