
Ientifying and discussing what research findings report

Task Description:

You are required to write a 2000 word essay on a current nursing topic that you have observed in clinical practice. You are required to develop recommendations and strategies for future professional development for nurses/nursing.

(Sample topics: , safe medication administration, , etc.).

Your essay will need to incorporate a reflection on the clinical experience.

Practical Applications

Your essay should include the following:

1. What is the issue?

a. Describe the issue you observed in clinical practice

b. Explain why there is an issue; in other words explore why the issue exists. Areas to concentrate on include the prevalence or extent of the issue, impact on patient care; nursing standards, nursing practice, policies and procedures, and the links to NMBA Competency Standards

c. Critically reflect on the issue you have raised by incorporating what you have observed in clinical practice.

d. Support your reflection by identifying and discussing what research findings report about the issue. Examine both Australian and International literature

2. What recommendations would you make for future professional development for nurses/nursing?

a. Base recommendations on your own experiences (critical reflection) and evidence-based literature so that you can support your recommendations with references

b. Provide strategies to implement the recommendations

NB – Using a reflective framework like Gibbs’ means that your paper incorporates 1 a-d and 2 (above) in a logical way to arrive at your recommendations and how they may be implemented.

Essay format:

Format and present your essay in accordance with Griffith University standards for academic writing and presentation. Refer to the Nursing and Midwifery Writing and Referencing guide available through your course site.

Please note: It is expected that you include title page for your essay.

Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford Polytechnic Further Education Unit, Oxford.

The links below will assist you to develop your understanding of reflection.


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Other Subject: Ientifying and discussing what research findings report
Reference No:- TGS01426738

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