
Ientify 2 existing research sources cited in the article

Article Analysis Instructions

This is a written assignment exploring the parts of a peer-reviewed journal article. It includes the identification of empirical findings (results).

Locate a quantitative social science peer-reviewed research article. You can select any topic.

Answer the following questions and prompts in complete sentences. You may number your answers.

You will need to type your response. It should be doubled spaced, 12-point font, and 1 inch margins. Put your name and brief title in the header.

Make sure your pages are numbered. You may print double-sided or single-sided.

1. Provide a complete reference for the article using either APA or ASA style.

2. What was the research question addressed in the article?

3. Identify 2 existing research sources cited in the article.

a. What information is cited from the existing source?

b. Provide a complete reference of the source in the style used in the journal.

4. What is the theory or theoretical perspective or theoretical framework used in the article?

5. Identify 1 hypothesis tested in the article.

6. Identify the independent and dependent variables.

a. How is the independent variable operationalized and measured?

b. How is the dependent variable operationalized and measured?

7. Describe the research design.

a. What data are used?

b. How was the data collected?

c. How was the study was conducted?

8. What kind of statistical analysis was conducted?

a. Did you see descriptive statistics that describe the sample?

b. Did you see analytical statistics used to test the hypothesis?

9. What was the research conclusion?

a. Did this support or refute the hypothesis?

10. Describe a follow-up study you would conduct?

a. Research Question

b. Theoretical Perspective

c. One Hypothesis

d. Describe how you would conduct the study.

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Dissertation: Ientify 2 existing research sources cited in the article
Reference No:- TGS02688069

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