
Ieee 802.11 protocol for wireless communication

Question 1)a) List and describe the important tools associated with the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with respect to software development for embedded systems.

b) Describe the main characteristics of a real time embedded system which distinguishes it from non real time systems.

c) Describe the IEEE 802.11 protocol for wireless communication in embedded systems.

Question 2) With the help of a appropriate block diagram, explain the functions of main components of a real time embedded system.

b) Define and explain the following with respect to real time task and task scheduling.

i. Firm real time task.

ii. Task precedence and data sharing.

iii. Periodic task.

iv. Optimal scheduler.

v. Jitter.

Question 3)a) What do you understand by event driven schedulers? Compare them with clock driven schedulers. Explain the different types of event driven schedulers.

b) Explain the various tasks performed and task scheduling in an automatic washing machine.

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Electrical Engineering: Ieee 802.11 protocol for wireless communication
Reference No:- TGS06282

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