
Identity of likely outsourced manufacturing company if you

Main idea: create a cellphone apps help people search find the tutors around themselves. Tutoring includes academic education and personal interest studying. We offer the computing platform for the people who need help and the people want to help

Business concept

We may always have difficulties in doing something that we are not very good at it in our daily life. A student may have questions with his/her assignments. A mother may suddenly need a babysitter. A father may don't know how to deal with his children's handworks. A housewife may need a help with the coming family dinner party. An employee may don't know how to prepare the presentation that he is not good at. A fashion girl may want to design her won outfit but have no idea where to start. A restaurant owner may badly need some help for the holiday promotion. A college student who want to apply for graduate school may prefer an experienced senior to modify his/her personal statement. A parent may want to hire a tutor to coach his/her child in Math. ... Now you can depend on our new app EASY-A.

EASY-A is more like a life assistant than just an app in your phone. Our inspiration comes from the well-known app Uber. Instead of you can get your ride as soon as possible, you can get your life helper at once with EASY A. College students, especially international student may always have confused on some knowledge, but to be honest it is not convenient to ask school tutors. For example, I don't understand the math class on Monday. After class I need to make an appointment to see when the tutor is available. It may take 1-2 days, then you need to go to school on that day no matter if you have class on that day. Moreover, if you still have the same class during the 1-2 days, you can barely understand what the teachers teach because you already lost at the beginning. The number of school tutors is limited, and it's non-paid. So, you can't ask they be kind and patient. Thus, our target customers are students especially college students. While housewives, parents, employers are also our plan customers. We will start our app in Philadelphia first.

We offer academic tutoring, life skills, language and so on. We have professional teachers, craftsmen, plumbers, cooks and interpreters. We offer one to one online answering questions and home service. We also welcome all other people who has special skills that would like help people solve problems. You can also earn some money through it. With EASY A, you don't have to wait for that much long time for waiting. Your questions and problems will always be seen by nearby helpers.

You can find our app on every kind of phones. We offer our app on Apple store, Microsoft store and Android store.

We have great confidence in our app. It's safe becauseour first strategy prevents users from forging their own identity through real-name system. We ask every user to upload his/her ID and all other certificates, everyone can only have one account link to his/her cellphone and Paypal account. It's impossible for us to identify every single users' information. But we make our promise that we will periodically sampling check to verify the identity of the authenticity. We promise to keep your individual information privacy but if we find out anyone use a fake ID, this person can never log in our system. Our second strategy is convenient. You always can choose your favorite way to have your services: We offer face to face service, you can choose a safe and nearby place to have this service; We also offer one to one online service, so you can have your problem solved just in home; We also support home service, you can fix your broken furniture at once. Our third strategy is money temptation. Every skilled person in our app not only can earn money from their customers with their free time, but also we will give extra reward to the advanced "tutors".

What do we get from this app? First, after the tutor and buyer settle the price, instead of charging flat transaction fees, we scrape 10% from each transaction. Moreover, we offer membership system. After you pay the membership fee, you will become a VIP. As a VIP, you can enjoy the privilege of being served by verified tutors. And you can see more information about tutors, like their jobs, marriage status. Then, with the development of our app, there will be advertisement incomes.

Market analysis


Our marketing plan will segment our customer through two basic segmentation methods which are demographic and geographic. Under demographic, we use age as the variable because our mission is dedicated into helping college student with academic tutoring, skills and language. On the meantime, we are going to popularize our App separately, so our last variable is region. The details for each segmentation are as followed:

Demographic Geographic

Age: Region:
14-18 Urban
18-24 Rural
24-40 International


Age: Although we open up to everyone who interest in our App. We focus on individual with age 18-24 years old. From 14-18, they are too young, and not as dependent as college student who is able to make decision by themselves. We also welcome people age from 24 to 40, they are higher educated and required more skills.

Region: We are going to target people who are from the urban area. First of all, we will start our business in Philadelphia, which is one of the biggest cities in the U.S. We would like to develop our market into NYC after we get success in Philadelphia. After that, we are going to expand our consumers into globalize. Rural will not in our focus group because there is no guarantee for their security.


No matter what you need from academic, skills and language, we will have solution for you.

Target market description:

Based on what we segmentation and target above, our target market will focus on college student in Philadelphia. First of all, we think college student will have more opportunity to ask help in academic or skill. Secondly, there are ton of colleges cite in Philadelphia. For instance, University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, Drexel University, Saint Joseph's University...

Philadelphia is not only the largest city in Pennsylvania, but is also the fifth-largest municipality in the entire United States. As the economic and cultural center of the Delaware Valley, Philadelphia boasted a population of 1,560,297 residents in 2014, plus a bustling economy, a growing arts scene, and a culture steeped in American history and national pride. The sheer number of Philadelphia colleges and schools proves the area's commitment to higher education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 46 institutions of higher education reside in the Philadelphia area, and that figure includes large, public universities, community colleges, technical schools, and trade schools. In 2014, NCES figures show that Philadelphia colleges and schools enrolled approximately 155,198 students.

Product/service development plan-you will finally go into detail about your product or service.

o Detailed description and unique features of product/service-this is where you put all the detail. If you are unsure what "all the detail" means, ask me. You'll need to tell me what your project is for me to tell you what detail you will need. For instance, for a restaurant, you'll need to include the total square footage, how much is dedicated to the kitchen and how much to seating, what equipment will be needed, how many tables and chairs you will have, your location, your days and hours of operations, etc. For an app, how and where it will be developed, which technology base you will use, which APIs, any other tie-ins you'll need, how long it will take to develop, how you will test it, etc.

o Identity of likely outsourced manufacturing company, if you have a product-based company and/or will outsource development of a technology product/service.

o Estimated costs of outsourcing production, if you have a product-based company and/or will outsource development of a technology product/service.

o Intellectual property acquisition (if relevant; this is both IP you need to actually acquire from another company, as well as any patents, trademarks, copyrights and/or trade secrets you develop and file yourself).

o Plan for prototyping and testing, if you have a product-based business and/or are developing a technology product/service.

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Business Management: Identity of likely outsourced manufacturing company if you
Reference No:- TGS01666589

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