
Identity curriculum should not be taught in nc classrooms


Introduction: One of the current debates going on in the educational arena deals with parental rights in education. One of the main questions at the forefront of this debate is : Should parents have a say in curriculm? The Coronavirus Pandemic and shut down of schools forced many parents to become more involved than ever in there child's education.. Many parents became more aware of the curricula being used in their child's school. This awareness of curricula, lead to an increase in parents advocating for what should or should not be taught in the classroom. We saw this in Module Three when we investigated Critical Race Theory. Another curriculum that is causing considerable debate among parents is the gender identity curriculum. Many parents and teachers are "pro" gender identity curriculum while many parents and teachers are "anti" gender identity curriculum. Both sides are very passionate about there reasons for including or excluding the curriculum as well as who should develop the curriculum.


Review the provided information listed in the resource section. You are going to advocate for children through the lens of a parent or educator by writing a letter to a school board member. If you live in Cumberland County, I am providing a link for each school board members' business address and email address. You do not have to mail or email your letter unless you would like to. This is just for practice. I think it is important for you to know the school board members of the county you live in. If you do not live in Cumberland County, feel free to look up the school board information of your county. In your letter, you are going to take a "pro" gender identity curriculum stance or an "anti" gender identity curriculum stance. Depending what stance you take, explain in your letter why the gender identity curriclum should or should not be taught in classrooms. Depending on what stance you take on parental involvement in the development of curriculum, explain why you as a parent or educator should or should not be involved in the development of curriculum in schools. Your letter should include:

A. Paragraph One: Introduce yourself and state your purpose for writing your letter

B. Paragraph Two: Present your concerns: Why the gender identity curriculum should or should not be taught in NC classrooms. Why parents should or should not be invloved in the development of curriculum in NC schools

C. Paragraph Three: Closing: Here is where you summarize your information and show appreciation to the reader

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Other Subject: Identity curriculum should not be taught in nc classrooms
Reference No:- TGS03237255

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