Identifying your position in regard to approaches are they

Position Paper

There is much discussion and debate regarding the standards movement and its relationship to developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood education. In a three- to four-page paper, not including title and reference pages, address this topic by:

a. Providing a description of the standards movement as is exists today as well as the main tenets of developmentally appropriate practice (DAP).

b. Identifying and explaining your position in regard to these approaches. Are they contradictory or compatible? Can they be successfully integrated, or are they mutually exclusive?

c. Including a specific activity plan or instructional strategy and articulating how it reinforces the position you have taken in this paper.

Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In addition to the course text, utilize at least two additional scholarly sources to support your position.

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Dissertation: Identifying your position in regard to approaches are they
Reference No:- TGS02266178

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