
Identifying the stage of a groups development is important

1. During the? ___________ stage, a? cross-functional group adopts a slogan and begins to enjoy each? other's company.

A. storming

B. performing

C. adjourning

D. forming

E. norming

2. It is important to remember that? ___________.

A. groups need not progress through each stage in? order, and some even? backslide, particularly if membership changes

B. groups are more effective than individuals

C. standing groups will progress through each stage only once

D. every group will go through each of the five stages

E. ad hoc groups often skip the norming stage

3. Identifying the stage of a? group's development is important to managers because? ___________.

A. managers? don't have the luxury of closely monitoring the activities of every group

B. when additional pay is attached to group? participation, pay will be triggered by the completion of each stage

C. when problems arise within the? group, the manager will know how to help the group work through them

D. additional instruction in working in groups can be tailored to the? group's stage of development

E. the stage of development will give some indication of when the? group's work will be done

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Operation Management: Identifying the stage of a groups development is important
Reference No:- TGS02544062

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