
Identifying the gap in knowledge and creative aspect



For this assignment you are required to develop and submit a draft of the first chapter of your capstone paper, Chapter : Introduction.
This should be a draft only. Later in the course, you will finalize this particular chapter as part of your work in Module.

You were instructed to organize your draft according to the outline below. I have included the original instructions below, and added my comments related to your draft following asterisks (***) as appropriate.

In at least one solid paragraph for each subheading, prepare the following, using these headings:

While not a major issue at this point, please review APA formatting for such things as your headings.

• Introduction to the Chapter: Reveal your topic, state the gap in knowledge, creative process or problem, etc. that you are researching, investigating, or showcasing, and tell the reader what to expect.

This is certainly an important topic, and it is introduced as a problem clearly. The introduction, though, should be more succinct, and must state the purpose of the project more clearly. You explain, for instance, what research currently shows but not how this project will be addressing a gap in the research, researching a question on which there is current disagreement, or something else. What, to put it another way, is the need for this study? What purpose does it serve?

• Background of the Topic: Relate only to societal, business, or artistic factors--NO personal factors. Cited literature should be included.

You do a good job here of supporting the existence of a problem, but the above questions remain; as you don't here show support for the purpose/need for thisproject.

• Problem Statement: Identify the gap in knowledge, creative aspect, or problem. Ask the major question you are going to answer through your capstone project. Ask the sub questions you are going to use to answer the major question. ( Optimum sub questions: 3-4) The data from these sub questions will be used to answer the major question.

As above, you restate the problem of childhood obesity here but have yet to establish the gap this project will fill.

Research questions this project will seek to answer are required here.

• Professional Significance of Your Work: Respond to the internal question: Why did I bother to produce this particular project? Be specific.

What's here could relate more to your major, personal motivations, etc.

• Overview of Methodology: How do you expect to proceed in order to answer your sub questions? These sub questions answer the major question for you. Note: If you are thinking about using surveys or questionnaires, check first with your mentor. Only 10% return is typical and the time it takes to devise such instruments combined with the amount of time S-20 it will take to received them back and analyze the results might not give you enough time to complete your project by the end of the semester.

This section should not, at this point, be past tense (you should not have completed your study yet). This section should be revised once the above questions are addressed,

• Delimitations: What are the boundaries of your project?
Ok, but why is this a limitation? Explain this further.

• Definition of Terms: Consider your audience; the readers may not know what you mean by the terms you use. They may be technical terms or ordinary words used in a specialized way. Do not use dictionary definitions. These terms are particular to your project. Explain them accordingly in bullet format.

• Summary: All the chapters in your paper, including your introduction, must have a concluding paragraph that serves as a summary. Do not add any new ideas or information to the summary.

This section should be rewritten once the above questions/concerns are addressed.

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Reference No:- TGS01984791

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