Question: Identifying Statistical Terms. Use the template to document your knowledge about basic statistical tests that counselors often encounter. This template will prove useful when you take the final quiz in this course, as you move forward in your master's program, and when you study for your licensing exam. Download a copy of the template to your computer, and complete the columns throughout the course, beginning with Unit 4. This assignment is due in Unit 10. Much of the chart can be completed by studying the suggested resources that are listed in the chart. However, you may need to locate additional resources for some entries. The more complete and correct you make your entries, the more useful the chart will be to you. Be sure to document your sources so that you can revisit them in the future, if necessary. If you choose, you may add rows to include additional entries.
(use of the statistic)
Level of Measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
(Sheperis, et al., 2010, p. 216-218)
Example of Application:
(Summarize or give an example of how you might see this term in a study)
Standard Deviation
Multiple regression
Factor analysis
Chi square