
Identifying skills-values and interests


Final Paper - Professional Development Plan & Philosophy Paper

Paper Guidance:

Write a seven (7) page paper using APA standards (the seven pages do not include cover page or reference pages used).

Use proper APA paper formatting.

• Professional Development Plan Part I - two and one half (2.5) pages.

• Professional Development Plan Part II - two and one half (2.5) pages.

• Leadership Philosophy - two (2) pages.

• Cover page- one (1) page.

• Reference page-one (1) page.

Directly copying from the textbook, the Internet, or other sources WILL NOT be accepted. You are expected to use materials from your textbook and other sources, but they must be properly cited in your paper. Write in your own words when practical. If you must quote directly, be sure to place quoted content in quotation marks (and cite source).

I. Professional (Leadership) Development Plan:

Part I:Identifying skills, values, and interests.

a. What profession interests you the most? List current technical, interpersonal, and decision-making skills and strengths for pursuing your selected profession? Use MBTI results.

b. What are your external limiting factors? Discuss areas that impose limitations on the type of job you selected. Examples include health concerns, geography (location), willingness to relocate, travel limitations, relationship restrictions.

c. What are your internal limiting factors? Review your MBTI, The Big 5 and Emotional Intelligence areas. What restrictions do you recognize from the inventories you critically analyzed; e.g., introvert or extrovert, procrastination, technical skills, interpersonal skills, decision-making skills?

d. What is/will be most important to you in your work? Examples of guiding principles include things such as the following: Must agree with the organization's mission, must be allowed innovation and risk taking, need to be part of a team, must honor family values for a balanced professional life, etc.

e. What things are "must haves" for you in a job? (What values guide you?). Examples may include level of pay, flex time, on-site daycare, health insurance, promotion opportunity, etc.

Part II: Your Goals and Plans:

a. Short-Term (present through graduation)

b. Long-Term ( Post graduation - 2 to 3 three year plan)

II. Leadership Philosophy:

a. Goal:

To create a Leadership Philosophy you can use to guide your actions, behaviors, and attitudes in any leadership position you are placed in (voluntary or involuntary).

b. Purpose:

To put into practical terms how you might change, modify, improve, and share your leadership style/vision with others. An effective leadership philosophy is different than your personal purpose, values, and valued behaviors. While your leadership philosophy is built upon the foundation of your personal purpose and values statement, it is specific to your leadership efforts (in the workplace, in a community organization, wherever you are taking a leadership role). We can change who we are as leaders by simply changing our philosophy of leadership.

Your Leadership Philosophy should include the following:* Be sure to use leadership concepts and definitions from the textbook as well as other academic sources. Ensure you use and define your unique leadership style and concepts to formulate each section of your leadership philosophy.

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Business Management: Identifying skills-values and interests
Reference No:- TGS01844199

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