I have selected a product called "iPod" and I need help in addressing the following issues concerning this product. Though I have read, analyzed and already addressed other issues regarding this product. But, I need help in addressing these remaining issues as listed below. I would really appreciate any help in this regard. Please respond only if you are addressing these issues and not just providing links or references. Thanks much in advance.
Product: "iPod" MP3 player from Apple.
Some issues that need to be addressed:
- Examplify how an "iPod" is being promoted via:
I. Publicity
II. Television
III. Internet
- Identifying promotional messages and describe how these messages are being conveyed via the three selected communication channels.
- Explain how these messages position the "iPod" to appeal to its target audience.
- Identify where the "iPod" is in its product life cycle.
- Explain how this life cycle stage affects the pricing strategy. If you can provide any examples in this regard, that would be helpful as well.