
Identifying information for the person-idea-event


The typical length of a solid significance ID response is 4-5 full sentences, basically one large paragraph.

The most important thing to remember about ID's is that you can use a single strategy for answering any term, by which I mean there is specific information we are looking for in every ID response. A solid significance ID response includes three main parts:

1. Identify the term. This is the most basic requirement; you can think of it as the "what" or "who" part of the response, i.e. "what (or who) was (insert term here)?" This should be how your response begins, and you should focus on giving the basic identifying information for the person, idea, event, etc.

2. Supply additional detail. This is the "body" of your response. Once you have identified the term, this is the place where you supply additional explanatory information. Focus on the most important details and facts. You do not need to supply every single piece of information you have on the term, so focus on those details that illuminate the significance of the term.

3. Explain the historical significance of the term. You can think of this is as the "why" part of your response, i.e. "why was (insert term here) historically significant?" This is the part where you contextualize the term, by which I mean placing it into historical context. Why are we asking you about this person, event, idea, etc?

Significance IDs

CIO                            Huey Long               Cuban Missile Crisis      Great Society

Cesar Chavez               ARPANET                   McCarthyism               Bill Clinton     

Emmett Till                  SNCC                         Four Freedoms           Brown v. Board of Education

Rust Belt                      Iranian Hostage Crisis  Ho Chi Minh                Silent Majority

The Marshall Plan        Betty Friedan                Sputnik                      Tonkin Gulf Resolution

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History: Identifying information for the person-idea-event
Reference No:- TGS02064640

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