Identifying a social cause for final project working toward

The company is Amazon.

Identifying a Social Cause for Final Project: Working toward Becoming a Socially Responsible Company

As you consider your options, evaluate whether the alternatives you come across fit with your company's mission, vision, and ethical framework, as well as any existing social responsibility efforts. Finally, select the new cause that will build upon your company's strengths. Will selecting this cause support the responsibility owed to your stockholders and stakeholders?

Deliverable: In a 1 - 2 page Microsoft Word document, present and analyze your top three to four social causes and explain why your social cause or issue is a good match with your chosen corporation for creating a corporate social responsibility (CSR) campaign. You will want to be sure that you cover the following items in your report:

Discuss how Stockholder Theory and Stakeholder Theory impacted your final selection Consider which personal ethical framework impacted your final selection and how it impacted your selection.

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Operation Management: Identifying a social cause for final project working toward
Reference No:- TGS02167148

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