Identify your variables and how you will measure variables

Discussion Post

Let's continue our work with our original hypothesis and discovering ways to test this. You came up with an experimental approach to test your hypothesis. Create a research approach that is non-experimental or correlational. Make sure to watch this week's lectures before beginning.

Present your work similar to a research report you might see in a journal. Be as specific as possible to illustrate your understanding of a non-experimental or correlational research design.

Include the following sections with Headers and Subheaders:

Background Information/ Purpose

Include your background paragraph and purpose.

Hypothesis Include your H1 and H0.


• Participants Describe your participants and sample- Apply feedback from Week 3.

• Measures Identify your variables and include how you will measure you variables. It is always best to use established existing measures.

• Procedure Present exactly what will occur and how it will occur.

• Analysis of Approach Make sure in the analysis plan to explain the type of methodology you have created (quasi experimental, correlational, within groups, cross sectional, longitudinal, pre-post-test design etc. ).

The response should include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Identify your variables and how you will measure variables
Reference No:- TGS03117494

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