
Identify your role in racial change

Assignment task:

This forum and healing practice will help you identify your role in racial change and within racial justice communities. This healing practice helps you reflect on your personal role and how that role can affect change at a community level. All roles are needed and valued in the change process. After reading, Chapter #10 Engage in Collective Racial Healing complete the Racial Healing Practice Exploring My Role in the Racial Justice Change, share your answers in the forum discussion.

Are you more of a helper, advocate, organizer, or rebel? Why is this role a good fit for you?

What specific strengths do you have related to this racial justice role that you could share with the racial justice community?

For the three roles in social justice change that do not fit you as much. Write a little bit about why this is. Might assuming one of these roles push you into your comfort or danger zone?

What are some online or in-person racial justice communities you have participated in, are currently participating in, or plan to participate in Singh, Anneliese 2019



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