
Identify which specific behaviors display specific

Ashlyn is 5 years old. She loves to draw pictures of her family and have tea parties with her stuffed animals, where she gives them all different voices. Ashlyn also enjoys playing hide and seek with her older sister, Samantha, who is 10 years old, but she is not very good at it. Samantha normally finds her very quickly because Ashlyn tends to "hide" by covering her eyes. In the last tea party they played together, Samantha tricked Ashlyn by offering her three small cookies in exchange for one large piece of chocolate cake. Ashlyn was excited because she recently learned to count and knows that three is greater than one. Using the information given, how would Piaget describe Ashlyn and Samantha's cognitive development in terms of stages, cognitive abilities, and cognitive limitations? Identify which specific behaviors display specific terminology in Piaget's theory.

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Dissertation: Identify which specific behaviors display specific
Reference No:- TGS02705435

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