Identify which elements are incorporated in the texts

Spirituality, magic, and myth play an important role in many literary works, but all have a special emphasis in Hispanic/Latino literature. Write a 1050 to 1400 word paper in which you address the following: Identify which elements are incorporated in the texts you have selected - religion, myths, magic, magical realism, and so forth. Explain how the elements you have identified are incorporated into the story. Describe the importance of the elements you have identified to the story, and to Hispanic/Latino literature in general. How does the evidence of spirituality, magic, and myth in the text relate to the historical, socio-political, and cultural contexts of the story. How does the representation of spirituality,, magic, and myth in this literature differ from how they appear in literature from other cultures or ethnic groups, or from traditional American literature? If you could read three short stories, "Seven Long Times" by Piri Thomas (2 pages), "First Communion" by Tomas Rivera (3 pages), and "I Am America" by Luis Omar Salinas (4 pages).  

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English: Identify which elements are incorporated in the texts
Reference No:- TGS050109

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