
Identify which aspects should become the basis of your

Harms and Inherency

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Complete the following for Harms:


1. List all of the aspects of the problem.

2. Identify which aspects should become the basis of your Harm(s)

3. Develop a thesis statement (also referred to as a Tag line) for each Harm.

Example of Tag lines:

• Harm 1: Keeping prostitution illegal encourages the spread of disease and hurts the health of Californians.
• Harm 2: Keeping prostitution illegal is a drain on resources.

Complete the following for Inherency:


1. State your proposition.

2. Give a brief narrative explanation of the cause of this problem( 2-3 Sentences) .

3. Identify the specific type of inherency (existential, attitudinal or structural).


1. The United States should have a baseline minimum wage of $15 that reflects the current standard of living(living wage) with and automatic periodic increases to adjust for inflation.


a. Increasing the minimum wage forces low-skilled people out of jobs, because small business won't pay $15 for an unqualified worker. Employers want skilled labor for the rate of $15 an hour.

b.Businesses would raise prices to compensate for the higher wages and associated costs, which has been the case during previous wage increases.

c. Low-income wage earners would be the ones affected by a wage increase due to inflation.

d. Employers would cut corners on sick days, and vacations to cover the wage increase.

e. Private industry and States are already surpassing efforts by the Federal government.

f. Higher education would suffer as people would not need to go to school to qualify for decent jobs.

g. Poor Americans do not work and if they do its only part-time. Raising the minimum wage does not improve their situation and they will still take advantage of social programs costing the tax payers millions of dollars.


Harm1: Increasing the minimum wage forces no-skilled and low-skilled people out of jobs.

Harm2: Private industry and most States are doing the job and the Feds should not get involved.

Harm3:: Poor Americans don't benefit from a wage hike.

Inherency -

Since 1988 Congress has raised the minimum wage three times giving themselves 15 raises in the same period to adjust for inflation. The national wage is too low and forces many people to seek out food stamps,General Relief and WIC to survive. We are dealing with a Structural inherency because for a Federal law to pass it would require the cooperation of both Congress and the President.

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Dissertation: Identify which aspects should become the basis of your
Reference No:- TGS01608508

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