
Identify where you might find this hazard either in

1. Find additional scholarly sources to help answer the following questions. (https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/radiofrequencyradiation/index.html)

a. Identify the radionuclide or energy source you have chosen. If ionizing, what kind of radioactive energy does the material emit (alpha, beta, or gamma)? If non-ionizing, identify the appropriate frequency or wavelength range for that item.

b. Identify where you might find this hazard either in industry or use in commercial products.

c. Identify an occupation where someone might be overexposed to this hazard.

d. Identify specific protective measures that can/should be taken to prevent overexposure to this hazard (don't just say ‘time, distance, and shielding - be specific)

e. Identify a method to monitor exposure to this hazard.

f. Identify occupational exposure limits for this hazard and the agency or organization which established them.

2. Write up your report in APA current edition format. Table of contents and abstract are not needed. Title page and reference page are required. Your paper should be at least 3 pages double-spaced, not including title page and reference page.

3. OSHA has limited regulatory requirements for ionizing and non-ionizing exposures. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Why? If you believe they should have more regulations, what should they regulate and why?


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