Identify what specific strategy was selected

Discussion Post: Strategies

Select an article from Business Week, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, etc. that you think describes a strategic initiative for a company that is either pursuing some type of International strategy (Chapter 7) OR pursuing some type of Corporate strategy (Chapter 8). Answer these questions below for that company and be specific. You're just doing one, not both!

1) Identify what specific strategy was selected, supporting your assertion with detailed information from the relevant chapter and the article.

2) Explain whether this was a good or bad move (you MUST select one, no fence-sitting) using chapter and article information.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Strategic Management: Identify what specific strategy was selected
Reference No:- TGS03209351

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