
Identify what skills/competencies you require to succeed

Assessment task: Professional application (A) - Professional Development Plan (PDP) This piece of assessment meets the following learning outcomes for HTLH1010: LO1: Apply Microsoft office skills to produce a range of written and oral materials LO3: Develop, justify, and show progress towards a 12-month professional development plan Assessment context Professional development is something that you will need to continue throughout your professional life. At this stage, your professional development is separate to, but developed alongside, your specific theoretical studies (i.e. your university studies). In some professions, annual ongoing professional development is mandated (a part of your ongoing recognition as a professional in that field), while in other professions, even though it may not be mandated, it is expected. Continuing professional development requires you to:

1. Review where you are currently in terms of your professional knowledge and competencies

2. Identify what skills/competencies you require to succeed in your profession

3. Determine where there are growth areas ("gaps") between the two above points (i.e. gaps between your current knowledge and competencies, and the knowledge and competencies you require to succeed in your profession).

4. Identify and map the activities that you will undertake to "fill" your identified growth areas/gaps, and

5. Undertake these identified activities The purpose of this assessment is to get you to complete your first annual Professional Development Plan (PDP). We want you to think about who you are now, your future profession, and the skills/attributes/experiences you will need to make yourself a truly well-rounded professional, ready to enter your chosen workforce.

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Other Subject: Identify what skills/competencies you require to succeed
Reference No:- TGS03384053

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