
Identify ways in which mentors and mentees can use

In this Assignment, you are going to evaluate a specific business process based on criteria detailed below. If you already have selected a business process, continue using that and skip to the next paragraph. If you have not yet selected the business process you will use for these Assignments, then begin by selecting one.

As the BPM nears completion the process team must be concerned not only with the best-fit roll-out option but also in providing information to the work team that will handle the completed process or process change to ensure they are successful. This often takes the form of "mentoring."

Mentoring is most often a one-on-one activity in which an "experienced" individual (the mentor) provides guidance and advice to someone with less "experience" (the mentee). Any mentoring relationship is, by nature of the process, a close one in which experiences, knowledge, and skills are shared.

The best way for mentors and mentees to share information is through a process called ""shadowing." Shadowing occurs when the mentee actively watches, follows, and participates in the activities, processes, or actions that are completed by the mentor. This provides a visceral and active learning environment.

Consider the BPM process you have been designing this semester and address the following (support your answers with research on mentoring and shadowing through the Kaplan Library and Internet):

1. Should all members of the BPM team be considered as possible "mentors"? Explain and justify your answer.

2. Who within the organization would be the "mentee(s)" for the institutionalization of the new processes? Make sure you fully support your conclusions.

3. Identify ways in which mentors and mentees can use "shadowing" as a method for tracking and assessing the ongoing changes within the company after completion of the BPM project.

After you answer the 3 questions above, include a section in which you briefly summarize the following based on your work in the previous 2 units. This summary should not be more than one page.

1. Which implementation strategy did you select as the best fit for your selected process? Why?

2. Which 3 metrics did you decide to use for assessing project success? What were the target rates?

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Operation Management: Identify ways in which mentors and mentees can use
Reference No:- TGS01002259

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