Problem: Identify types of budget variances Competency VI.5 Identify the following types of budget variances by indicating if they are temporary or permanent and favorable or unfavorable.
1. $7,500.00 for outsourced coding services to address backlog after a coder took an unexpected leave for six weeks
2. $12,500.00 as a result of assistant director laid off in November
3. $500 for new computer needed to replace one that quit and was not repairable
4. $4,000.00 1st quarter record destruction postponed a quarter due to staffing issues
Gordon, L. 2020. Management. Chapter 17 in Health Information Management Technology: An Applied Approach, 6th ed. N. B. Sayles and L. Gordon, eds. Chicago: AHIMA. Revoir, R. 2020. Financial Management. Chapter 25 in Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles, and Practice, 6th ed. P. Oachs and A. Watters, eds. Chicago: AHIMA.