Identify two thing in the scenario that can potentially lead


Case Study: Eddie


You are supporting an older person for the first time and you would like to know their preferences in care. The person you are assigned with is Eddie, an elderly person from an Aboriginal background, and is having a hearing loss due to an ear infection.

You introduce yourself to Eddie with a smile and he smiles back to you. Then you asked him if it's alright to ask him questions. He smiles and nods his head. You asked him about his day and he responds with a nod. You start asking about how you could help him. Eddie looks at you and leans a little forward. You repeat the question because you think that he did not hear you well. Eddie shakes his head and looks down. You asked him if he could speak English to which he looks unto you and shakes his head.

The policy and procedures in your workplace require you to seek immediate assistance from an interpreter for this kind of situation.

A. Identify two things in the scenario that can potentially lead to a misunderstanding or difficulties in communication.

B. Identify two personnel whom you could ask for immediate assistance regarding this scenario.

C. Refer to your responses in Case Study 1 Question2. For the purpose of this assessment scenario, your workplace requires you to call an interpreter through phone to request for assistance. Create dialogue conversation simulate a phone call with two interpreters or relevant persons to inform them of your need for assistance.

D. Eddie has been ill for the past few days and he refuses to take his medications. He keeps telling the other support worker attending to him, through an interpreter, that the centre is making him very sick. He says that bush medicine will make him feel better as that is what they used in their community. He talks about his life in the Country, how he loves to tend his land as it makes him feel strong.

He tells you that he misses his family and he wants to see his grandchildren. Eddie asks the other worker now and then when he can leave the centre. He is afraid that he may not be able to leave the place and he wants to die in his own Country. The support worker then suggested that maybe his grandchildren can visit him in the centre. Eddie got upset when the worker said this. He told them not to take away his grandchildren. Eddie wouldn't speak with anyone again after that incident.

Identify three impacts of social and cultural diversity portrayed in this scenario.

Guidance: You may refer to other resources about the Aboriginal culture to answer the question.

E. Eddie's other support worker, Isabelle, has been stressing out. Isabelle says Eddie would not cooperate with her. She approached one day to complain about the situation. She says that she should not be assigned to a client who doesn't speak English and has a lot of considerations for treatment.

For this problem, you are to demonstrate your communication skills to address the conflict between Eddie and Isabelle.

Create Role-play a conversation with Isabelle.

Use the following guidelines to complete the scenario:

• The support worker must tell you about the issues between them and Eddie.
• Assist the support worker in understanding Eddie's culture.
• Provide possible solutions on how you can support Eddie's needs despite the situation.
• Ensure to maintain sensitivity between both cultures when addressing the conflict.

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Other Subject: Identify two thing in the scenario that can potentially lead
Reference No:- TGS03353090

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