Lilly is two years old she is very shy and is an only child who is finding social interaction with her peers quite challenging. Georgia has decided to set up a few different play areas to observe how Lilly interacts with her peers in different experiences. She has set up an obstacle course, water play, a 'fairy and goblin' play area and a playdough table. Lilly goes straight to the make believe 'fairy and goblin' play area with two other children, both girls, 2 and 3 years old.
Georgia observes the girls playing well together, smiling, and taking turns with the toys and dress ups. Ten minutes later, Jack, who is 2 years old, tries to join in with the three girls, but is loud and boisterous in his play.
Lilly gets upset and begins to cry. She walks towards Georgia with her arms out for a cuddle. Georgia gives Lilly a cuddle and asks her what has made her upset.
Identify two developmental areas that Lilly appears to be needing support in.