
Identify two areas where health professionals can assist


Steven Bowen is an 87 yrs old male with multiple co-morbidities. He lives in a residential aged care facility as Doreen his wife and Ann his daughter can no longer provide adequate care. Steven is entering the later stages of Parkinson and he no longer has capacity to make medical treatment decisions. The aged care facility has his Advance Care Directive. It was made when Steven was of sound mind and capacity, it indicates that he refuses life-sustaining treatment, as well as antibiotics if his condition deteriorates and that Doreen can act as his enduring power of attorney.

Steven contracts severe Community Acquired Pneumonia and his general practitioner reviews his condition and notes that his vital signs are unstable, and he is deteriorating due to the severity of the infection. Upon review of Stevens Advance Care Directive and, in accordance with his refusal of life-sustaining treatment, no ambulance is called, or antibiotics administered. The doctor discusses this with Doreen, and she agrees for staff to provide comfort, medication for pain and symptom only.


1. What are advance care directives / living wills, and state the advanced care directives that Steven has given.

2. Identify two areas where health professionals can assist in the promotion of decision-making in circumstances where ethical issues arise.

3. What does it mean when a person has enduring power of attorney?

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Business Management: Identify two areas where health professionals can assist
Reference No:- TGS03265162

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