Identify training needs identify the top three priority

Project 1

  • You can choose to base this project on an actual workplace such as your current or previous workplace, or you can complete the project hypothetically.Your CEO is keen to make your organisation a learning organisation and has identified a range of priorities where they think improvements can be made. As a manager it is now your responsibility to take those organisational priorities and translate them into productivity improvements. You will need to create a training plan to be submitted to the CEO for approval. The plan should cover:
    1. Identify training needs: Identify the top three priority learning and development needs of the organisation.Identify the top priority learning and development needs of your team.Document the specific goals and objectives of your intended learning and development program.
    2. Determine the learning plan: Describe how you will collaboratively develop and get agreement on a learning plan.List the learning delivery methods you want to use and explain why they are appropriate to the learning goals, and the learning style of participants.Document the timeline and budget for the training.List the equipment and resources required for the training.
    3. Evaluate the result of the training: Document how you will determine whether the training achieved its goals.Describe how you will record the resulting performance of the training participants.List the tools you will use to encourage individuals to self-evaluate their performance after having attended the training.List the records of this training that you will keep and explain why.

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Mathematics: Identify training needs identify the top three priority
Reference No:- TGS02137234

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