Identify three take-aways from the recorded lecture

Discussion Post

Below are some questions to help guide your discussion on the oppression of Indigenous peoples. Answer each of the following.

a) Identify 3 take-aways (important things to remember) from this recorded lecture and explain how you will apply these reminders in social work practice.

b) Describe how the story of Christopher Columbus that you learned as a child differs from the depiction offered by indigenous people in the video Columbus and the legacy of genocide.

c) Describe the similiarities and differences in the experiences of the 5 tribes in The Indian Removal Act. What are some enduring, modern-day injustices from the trail of tears?

d) In the video, Changing the Way We See Native Americans, this speaker details the resilience of indigenous peoples. Why do you think it is important to modernize the perception of indigenous peoples from the stereotype of the "leathered and feathered"?

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Identify three take-aways from the recorded lecture
Reference No:- TGS03101905

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