We have covered the process of initial project creation this week. As you know, the overall goal for this course is the creation of an actual project plan. As the first step in that process, you are going to identify 3 potential projects that interest you. You will do an initial analysis of each project, putting yourself in the role of a project manager with limited time and resources. With that in mind, your task is to evaluate the 3 potential projects which you identified and apply criteria to determine each project that interest you.
Use the following guiding questions when identify/develop the project proposal:
1) What is the problem?
2) Why is it a problem?
3) Who is it a problem for?
4) What is the effect?
5) What is the cost of the problem?
6) What is the desired state?
7) What is the cost (pure estimate!) to correct
a) Estimate is hours * cost/ hour + hardware or software replacement costs + training and support
8) What is the estimated timeline?