
Identify three potential dam sites along any of the water

Assessment- Geology Component


An existing mining company wants to a build a tailings dam for their mining operation on the Ringo Diorite that contains base metals and is seeking a suitable site that will ensure a permanent storage of the contaminated material. Their choice of locations is limited to roughly a 7km x 5km region, the visible area of the regional MiddleBack Geology Map. The company needs to understand the geology as fault reactivation is common in this region and can result in the failing of the tailings dam.

A) Regional Geology Task: You are required to establish a geological column and determine the geology history of the region in order to help identify 3 potential dam sites for a tailings dam (Regional Geology Map; Topographic Map; Appendix 1). Therefore, a brief summary (2 pages) of the geological history of the region should be discussed, including a note on the tectonic setting. The brief summary includes a geological column that has the oldest unit at the base and the youngest at the top. It may be helpful to also identify structural features, such as the six major fault zones that are detailed, within this column.

Factors that should be identified within the geological history include aspects such as unconformities, igneous events, deformational events and metamorphic grade. Faults should be identified along with the movement along these faults. The plate tectonic settings need to be identified, where possible, and placed within the geological history. Evidence needs to be included regarding the principle of superposition for the geological history and appendices may be used.

B) Cross Sections:

Two cross sections, with no vertical exaggeration, need to be constructed that best highlighted the geology of the region, particularly focusing on where the potential dam sites could be located (1 page):

1. An initial cross section needs to be constructed running north east - south west.

2. A second cross section running north west - south east should be constructed.

C) Potential Dam Sites:

Identify three potential dam sites along any of the water ways found within the map for a dam of approximately 200m x 100m x 5m. Each potential dam site should be on a different geological unit to ensure that a range of geological factors are considered and the best potential site is chosen. An analysis of each site should be conducted and a comparison of the various sites should detail the strengths and weaknesses of each site (2 pages - appendices may be included; Geology Map; Topographic Map; Appendices 1 & 2).

There needs to be a final selection of the best dam site based on an evaluation of the three selected sites that considers all of the data presented. Further site investigation recommendations to verify the viability of the site need to be included (1 page) prior to seeking tenders to actually construct the dam.

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Dissertation: Identify three potential dam sites along any of the water
Reference No:- TGS02464245

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