
Identify three network firewalls and create a chart that

This assignment asks you to participate in three projects and then to write about each project in one paper. Begin by following the instructions for each project provided within the textbook.

1. Case Project 6-4: Network Firewall Comparison on page 247 within the textbook

Directions: Use the internet to identify three network firewalls, and create a chart that compares their features. Note if they are rule-based or settings-based, perform stateless or stateful packet filtering, what additional features they include (IDS, content filtering, and so on), their costs, and so on. Which would you recommend? Why?

2. Case Project 7-2: Comparing Cloud Computing Features on page 288 within the textbook

Directions: Research Amazon Web Services Virtual Private Cloud or another cloud vendor's similar offering. What are your impressions? Would this be something that an organization should consider? What are its technical limitations?

3. Project 1-3: Use an Eula Analyzer on pages 34-35 within the textbook


1. Open your web browser and enter the URL microsoft.

2. Under How is software acquired?, select Pre-installed on your computer from computer manufacturer? From the drop down menu.

3. Under Product Name:, select Windows 7 from the pull-down menu.

4. Under Version:, select Professional from the pull-down menu.

5. Under Language:, select English from the pull-down menu.

6. Click Go.

7. Under Search Results, click PDF file.

8. When file download dialog box appears, click Save and to download it to your local computer.

9. When the download is complete, click Open.

10. Select the contents of the entire document by clicking CTRL+A.

11. Copy the contents of the selected text to the clipboard by clicking CTRL+C.

12. Go to the Web site spywareguide.

13. Under Title:, enter Windows 7.

14. Under Paste license here:, click in the box and then paste the contents of the clipboard by clicking CTRL+V.

15. Under Display Results as....be sure that Detailed analysis is selected.

16. Click Start Analyzer.

17. After running the analyzer note: Where you aware of these agreements when you installed this software of a similar Windows operating system on your computer? Do you agree with these conditions?

18. Close all windows.

Note:For Project 1-3, the first hyperlink is broken.

Write a two-page paper following the directions within the textbook on Case Project 6-4, Case Project 7-2, and Project 1-3. Include a title page and separate reference page.

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Dissertation: Identify three network firewalls and create a chart that
Reference No:- TGS02864701

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