
Identify three dimensions of wellness

Problem: In the first module, you were asked to identify three dimensions of wellness that were your strengths and two that were your weaknesses. Now I would like you to revisit your answers.  After completing this course, for each of the dimensions you identified as a strength, please answer, in detail, with facts from the course or outside research, the following:

1. In these areas, where are you on the wellness continuum right now?  Why did you answer that way? Explain in depth, two points of interest you learned that have helped make these dimensions even stronger for you. Now proceed to the dimensions you identified as weaknesses, please answer, in detail, with facts from the course or outside research, the following:

2. In these areas, where are you on the wellness continuum right now?  Why did you answer that way? Giving a minimum of three facts you have now learned for each area, explain how you have, or how you can, use these facts to improve in these dimensions. And finally......

3. Which two modules did you gain the most insights from?  What did you discover in these modules that are significant to you?   

To receive full credit, I would expect the use of outside sources.  Make sure to cite your source

(In the beginning of the semester my choices were; for types of wellness I felt confident about i chose physical, social, and spiritual. The ropes of wellness i felt improvements could be made were; environmental and occupational/vocational wellness

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Other Subject: Identify three dimensions of wellness
Reference No:- TGS03383547

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