
Identify the use of fractional structures

Assignment Introduction:

This week's assignment is to review a research article for evidence of a concept in practice. Our aim in giving you this assignment is to give you an opportunity to see how research is assembled, to recognize how factorial structures are leveraged, and to assess the impact of the design on the research itself.

Next week, we will begin to focus our attention on putting together the various elements we have discussed in class, so it is a good idea to review this article from that lens as well.


For this assignment, complete the following steps:

1. Read the following article that I upload named " A Plackett-Burman Experiment to Increase Supermarket Sales of a National Magazine"

2. Write a review around 3-4 paragraphs, author a review in which you address what you consider to be the important lessons related to factorial structure. In particular, address the trade-off between a selection of estimable effects and resource savings.


In reading your review, I will be most closely looking for your ability to recognize course concepts at work. I will specifically be looking at the following questions:

1. Do you accurately identify the use of fractional structures?

2. Have you identified the impact these structures have on the trade-off between estimable effects and resource savings?

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Other Subject: Identify the use of fractional structures
Reference No:- TGS01960703

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